Tuesday, October 29, 2013

1st Bath...1st Blow out...1st Hickey....she's growing TOO fast!!!

So I really need to make sure I keep up with this blog as I know I'm going to look back and regret it if I don't! And I really want Hadlie to have memories and be able to see what she was like as a baby!

I was so grateful to have my mom here for over 2 weeks to help me out! Man oh man did she help me so much! Needless to say, when she left....I cried...and cried...and cried some more! LOL...these hormones are out of control! As a first time mom, I was just nervous and anxious and felt like I didn't know what I was doing! Thankfully I have an amazingly helpful, patient and understanding husband!

Proud new daddy to his baby girl!
Anyways, while my mom was here, she cooked, cleaned, organized, kept me sane, stripped my membranes, helped coach me through labor and delivery, took pictures, gave me advice, encouragement, love and support....I'm so incredibly grateful for the wonderful mother I have. SHE'S THE BEST! Before she left, she was able to show Juan and I how to give little Hadlie a bath and she made it look very easy....it's not. LOL
Grandma and Hadlie

This is me trying to hard to memorize everything mom is doing and Juan taking pictures of the big event! Hadlie obviously didn't love the bath...LOL..she's so stinkin cute!

So while I was up in Seattle for the Ralph family reunion, my family threw me a surprise baby shower....and when I say surprise....I mean SURPRISE!!! I'm usually pretty good about sniffing things out, but I literally had no idea that they were planning on doing something like that for me....it meant the WORLD to me and I was so moved and so touched that they would do that for me! It was a perfect shower too! Having all of my sisters there except Sarah and family and friends just meant the so much to me. Part of what they did was they got a bunch of diapers and wrote little sayings on the front of them so that I'd get a good laugh or give me a reason to smile at 2 in the morning when I'm changing her for the 3rd time that night! LOL...it happens. Anyways...I've gotten a good kick out of the sayings and Hadlie decided she wanted to have her first blow out in this one.....
It made me laugh and I had to text it to Liz right away because I knew she'd get a kick out of it too! Good job little Miss Hadlie!

So breastfeeding has not come easy for me....as I'm sure it doesn't for most women...but man, it's been a real struggle! I'm hoping Hadlie and I can get on the same page soon when it comes to breast feeding and that I start having enough supply to feel like she's getting enough to eat. The other day, Juan was holding his little girl and she was not happy that she wasn't be fed yet...I was trying to get ready to feed her...so in an effort to calm his daughter down...he let her suck on his cheek for a second or two...or three...LOL...a few hours later, Juan comes in the living room and points on that his daughter had given him a hickey on his cheek! LOL....mommy laughed very hard at that one! She sure had! LOL....daddy put her in time out! JK!
Daddy with a hickey from his little girl on his cheek! LOL...love it!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the pix and the updates. Keep them coming; it will make a wonderful journal...
